Saturday, January 24, 2009

Music Showcase

Josh and I have once again become terrible bloggers.  So nobody is probably reading our blog anymore.  If you are by chance reading this Josh has entered a music contest through   It is based on the publics votes.  It is the same contest that his music student entered a little while ago.  Go to this web site and vote for Josh.  The contest goes through February 14th.  You can vote once a day.  


ixoj said...

hmmm...i like how you guys only blog when you WANT things from us readers...

Lindsey said...

Sorry Kelly. We are terrible bloggers. We'll work on it.

tannersmom said...

I check your blog all the time. I always hope there will be something new. I will be sure to vote! Good luck Josh.

Erin Jeanne said...

Hey Josh, and his lovely wife. This is Erin Parker Womack, I hope you remember me josh! Anyway, I stumbled across your blog in a round about way! Good luck with your contest! I am so impressed that you are painting and pursuing music! Living the dream! Way to go!